


Loosening the threaded rod in the RepRap 3D printer and upgrading to the lead screw z-axis

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  • Time of issue:2020-05-19 15:20
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(Summary description)Provides 3D printable files and a detailed walkthrough for upgrading the Z-axis of the Prusa i3 RepRap 3D printer using a lead screw.

Loosening the threaded rod in the RepRap 3D printer and upgrading to the lead screw z-axis

(Summary description)Provides 3D printable files and a detailed walkthrough for upgrading the Z-axis of the Prusa i3 RepRap 3D printer using a lead screw.

  • Categories:Company news
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2020-05-19 15:20
  • Views:

Provides 3D printable files and a detailed walkthrough for upgrading the Z-axis of the Prusa i3 RepRap 3D printer using a lead screw.

It's not the first time, and certainly not the last, that it seems appropriate to win a round of applause for the inanimate rod. Many cheap and cheerful DIY 3D printers, such as the Prusa i3 and other RepRap machines, use threaded rods for the z-axis. Threaded rods are an inexpensive device, but many users - including Daniel - have encountered insurmountable problems with oval metal sheets. Using a threaded rod as the z-axis of a 3D printer is standard on many budget machines, but notable issues include clearance and wobble, which can be eliminated by using a lead screw.

After all, a threaded rod cannot be used as a precise positioning tool. It can always be fixed and remain stationary. Threaded rod can often bend slightly and get dirty quickly. "After a year in print, it is clear to see that threaded rod is not suitable for this application," Daniel explains in his blog post. "The rods ...... squeaked loudly during movement, and its threads were filled with a black, sticky substance that included dust, oil, and metal shavings from friction with the nut."

In order to improve the performance of the Prusa i3 3D printer, "the lead screw is more robust, very hard so it does not bend, has a very smooth surface and its shape is specifically designed to move inside the nut."

To facilitate the upgrade, all z-axis mounts on his 3D printer had to be replaced. He designed and 3D printed these new parts in PLA at 200°C in a 0.2mm layer height. All of his 3D printed parts are available for free download on the project's Thingiverse page.

The upgraded z-axis eliminates the squeak and wobble produced by the screw. But is the upgrade worth it? The debate between screw advocates and screw supports goes back several years. Often, unassuming guards for threaded rods argue that the cost of the leadscrew outweighs the small improvements offered, and that proper maintenance of the threaded rod can lead to similar high performance. Leadscrew supports usually indicate improved accuracy and precision of their preferred equipment. Where do you stand in the eternal debate?


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